My Vanilla Interests

  • International Relations
  • Political Science with an emphasis on class analysis
  • State & Religion
  • Your struggles
  • Gardening/farming, food sovereignty
  • 80's-90's cult movies
  • BDSM
  • Health, well being, alternative medicine, TCM

I prefer to understand why things are the way they are then to simply accept them at face value. Everyday I think about class equity while constantly critiquing the status quo. I don’t believe one should suffer alone; often times our struggles are shared and connected in some way. To cope with the illnesses this economy has produced, I engage in activities that allow me to feel closer to my community and ancestors. I nurture plants; up-cycle clothing and furniture; feed hungry friends; cook the food of my people; and share the knowledge of my diaspora with youth.

© Trinity Saetang 2023

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